Powerful Good Morning Prayer Messages for Friends

These powerful good morning prayer messages for friends are special good morning prayers for my friend to make success in everyday life encounters.

Best Powerful Good Morning Prayer Messages for Friends

If you are searching online for what is the most powerful morning prayer, what is the message of a great day prayer, what is a great day prayer message for her or how do I pray for her in the morning? Then these special good morning prayer for my friend, powerful morning prayer messages, best good morning prayer wishes for a friend, good morning prayer text message, powerful prayer messages of blessings, good morning prayer message for a sick friend, good morning prayer message for a friend and good morning prayer messages for her and him are the best powerful good morning prayer wishes you can send to your friend in the morning.

Best Powerful Good Morning Prayer Messages For Friends

These encouraging Good Morning Words Of Prayer Messages is a unique collection of powerful prayer messages that you can send to family and friends. As Couples, it will do you good to share these Good Morning Prayer Messages For Husband And Wife which would encourage all to reach for the top. If you are on any of the social media platforms, you can also pick up these messages and share with someone.

[1]. "Then Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became fit to drink..." Exodus [15:25]. Every water of Marah in your life shall be healed and made sweet today. God Almighty shall remove everything that causes bitterness in your life. The Almighty will wipe away your sorrows and your scars will turn into STARS in Jesus Mighty name. Have a wonderful day!

[2]. According to Psalm [90:14] Oh God "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days". I pray that this morning the sure mercy of God will be available for you. As you go out today you will experience an unexpected turn around that will gladden your heart and cause you to sing for joy and shout Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!! In Jesus name. Amen!

[3]. Today the Almighty God will arise and bless all the works of your hands so that His name can be glorified. He will intervene in that issue which requires urgent attention. Though it seems all hope is lost, God will show up before the issue becomes embarrassing in Jesus' name. The Almighty God has surprise packages for you. Watch out!

[4]. The voice of the Lord will stand out for you no matter the noise around your life. His word will speak for you no matter what the enemy is saying. You will surely be blessed by the Most High God. The Lord will help, keep, uphold, sustain, protect, defend and exalt you and all yours. His hand will be around you for good. The enemy will not swallow your glory, you will not miss the best of the land, no one will steal what belongs to you in Jesus Name Amen.

[5]. In the remaining days of the year, the mercies of God will overflow into your life. Your mornings will be good, your afternoons will be better, your evenings will be glorious and your nights will be peaceful. Goodness of God will compass you, glory of God will overwhelm you and the light of God will shine upon you. Good morning and have a fulfilling day!

[6]. Welcome to a new month and a new year.  Welcome to Firm Foundation. This month, the Lord will fix the cracks in your foundation and gather strength around the pillars of your life. Though the seasons change and the wind blows in a direction, the good foundation of your life will not shift suddenly. Your life's wall of support will not get wrinkled or ripped apart.  You will discover grace in life's hard places; you'll not live at the mercy of any man's whim. The Lord will provide all you need in every moment of the day. Good morning and have a blessed day!

[7]. I pray for you according to Luke 10:10. During the remaining days in this month you will cross over every serpents and scorpion because the power has been given unto you no weapon fashioned against you will prosper. In Jesus name Amen. You are blessed and any one that will curse you will be cursed.

[8]. As bees produce honey and yet deadly to intruders, so shall your life be full of sweetness and greatness and yet be a danger zone to your enemies. May God give you relief for every stress, a sweet song of Victory for every sigh, an answer for every prayer and peace for every troubled moment in Jesus Mighty name. AMEN. Good morning and have a great day!

[9]. I pray this morning, that our good Lord will do a new and wonderful thing in your life, doors of goodness and greatness shall be open for you today. The creator of the world will bless your efforts mightily. You will occupy an enviable position, your words shall become instant authority. Sudden death will not visit you and your entire family in Jesus' mighty name. Enough of telling an old story, very soon, you shall give an awesome testimony that your family and friends will praise God with you, Destiny and testimony wasters will not locate You, go and prosper in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Have a great day.

[10]. What will a CANDLE lose in lighting another CANDLE? Obviously NOTHING! Life is better when you are happy, but life is at its best when OTHERS are happy because of you: Be faithful in touching other's hearts. Be an inspiration. Nothing in nature lives for itself; Rivers do not drink their own water. Trees do not eat their own fruits. The Sun does not shine for itself and Flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We were all born to help each other. No matter how difficult the situation you find yourself in, still do good to others.  Stay blessed and have a great day ahead!

Good Morning And Happy New Week Prayer Messages

Sharing happy moments of good morning messages is something that would always be thought of. When you see the dawn of a new day, it is of essence that you reach out to your friends and loved ones with messages that would help make their day joyful. You can share these messages on Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and timeline or sent as text messages to their phone numbers just to show that you deeply care about their well-being.

[11]. Good morning. Peace be unto you as you wake to life today. Today is victory day, God will grant you total victory in Jesus name. Hear what the scripture says 1samuel [17:37], David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this philistine. Dear beloved, I prophetically pray for you this morning and I decree by the power which established the harven and the earth. The mighty warrior in battle will lead the Heavenly Hosts to destroy every lion, bear, Goliath, and philistine of your life in the name of Jesus amen. Have a victorious day.

[12]. Isaiah [43:19] "Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?. I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."... The Lord will do a new thing in your life this day in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a peaceful day.

[13]. Today, you will see God in a new way. He will take over your battle and fight for you. Whatever is standing between you and your destiny shall be pulled down. Encouragement will replace discouragement. Where you have fallen, you will arise and hope will replace hopelessness. God will connect you to your divine helper and you will enjoy a stress less victory. By the end of this week your song shall be victorious at last. Good morning. God bless you today and forever in Jesus name.

[14]. The Lord shall cause your heart to be filled with praises and your mouth with laughter this week. Good morning.

[15]. The Lord is your shield and defender, against all enemies. He will conquer every battle for you. Psalms [35:1], O Lord, be on my side against those who are judging me; be at war with those who make war against me."  No weapon fashioned against you and all that concerns you shall prosper. The strongman working against your progress and limiting your advancement, making you wonder from one place to the other will die by fire. The fire of God will consume every spiritual garment of disfavor, mark of hatred, rag of poverty, cloak of barrenness, etc disturbing your life and liberate you beyond limits, in Jesus name, Amen. Enjoy your weekend. Good morning!

[16]. The Almighty God is your Anchor. I pray for you this morning, you will not lose your anchor in the storms of life. The raging storms in the nation will not consume you. The GOD that never fails will shield you. The Almighty God will arise and protect you from the billows of danger. HE will give you victory over all challenges, triumph over all obstacles, and glorification in the full glare of people who have mocked you. When people lament a casting down, you will glorify God for a lifting up. Your needs shall be miraculously provided for. Your blessings shall be made manifest and you will bless the lives of many. Your life is safe in His shadow. You will reach a safe harbour in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Good morning. Have a blessed week.

[17]. Today, Heavenly Father will reward your hard work and make you an overcomer in Jesus name. I prophesy into your life today, as you knock, doors of opportunities shall be opened unto you. As you seek, you shall find favour before man and God. As you ask, all your prayers shall be answered. May God bless you with what you pray for, reward you with what you work for, grant you with what you hope for and surprise you with what you have not asked for. So shall it be in the name of Almighty God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen. Good morning.

[18]. Today marks a new beginning in your tide of success, the power to identify and take opportunities is given to you. The keys of progress, prospects, prosperity and favour are handed to you. No matter what generational limitations people before you are going through, your case will become different and you will open the path to unlimited glory. This week, you will testify and your life will be an evidence of His glory. Amen Have a blessed week.

[19]. The Angel of the Lord has located you with that good news. Don't be afraid for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Your glory will shine in the midst of your enemies. Your wounds shall be healed. Your stolen blessings shall be restored in multiple folds. May His blessings and peace be at your doorstep this morning. Amen. Good morning, have a very wonderful day.

[20]. The blood will speak for you, the Word will work for you, the Almighty will perfect all that concerns you, you will prosper, the work of your hand will prosper, you will prosper in health, your soul will prosper in the name of Jesus! Whatever trap is set against you, the One that is greater than the greatest will make a way of escape in the name of Jesus! The remaining days of this year shall be to you the season of rest, season of harvest, season of joy, season of peace, season of celebration, season of turnaround in the name of Jesus! Hallelujah! Good morning.

Good Morning Prayer Messages For You Love Ones

Every morning comes with a renewed hope to face every challenge of a new day. You would always be a winner if you can make everyday colourful inspite of the many circumstances that might you’re your way. You can encourage the people you care about with these happy Good Morning Prayer Messages For The One You Love. It is some of the things you need to make their day feel so special to them.

[21]. Good morning dearly beloved. My prophetic prayers for you today are: [a]. As you step out into the world the blood of Jesus will shield you from dangers and calamities. [b]. Every voice that is not of God planning to speak negativity into your life shall be condemned by the power of the Holy Ghost. [c]. This week shall be devoid of chaos and crisis for you and your family. The Lord shall put an end to every form of panic and anxiety in your life. [d]. The covenant of sure mercy of David shall be upon you as you step out of your abode. [e]. The Lord Himself shall strip you of every act or habit that does not glorify His Holy name in your life and family. [f]. May you receive new life transforming ideas this week as you look up to God for solutions to every puzzle in your life. [g]. The Lord shall arise for you this week and none of your adversaries shall be able to withstand you thereafter. He will set a table before you in the presence of your enemies and none shall raise a finger against you and your family. These and many more are my prophetic prayers for you and your family on this day in Jesus name. Amen. Shalom!

[22]. No door of Favor will be shut against you again in the name of Jesus!  Today the Name of God will be glorified in your life. God's hand shall be feasible in your life with undeniable proofs in Jesus Name. Amen!

[23]. The peace of God that passes human understanding will abide with you now and always. The Lord is the shade upon your right hand; the sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord sends you help from above today. Receive capacity to operate at a higher frequency. I see you elevated!

[24]. Welcome to your season of supernatural turnaround and dramatic change of story. The Lord will cut off your enemies, and destroy those who afflict your soul. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom in Jesus Name.

[25]. Unstoppable laughter shall be your testimony all through this year in Jesus Name.

[26]. This is your week of amazing turn around in Jesus Name. Today you will receive help where you least expect in Jesus Name. This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Lord will clothe your enemies with shame in Jesus Name.

[27]. Today and always I decree into your life that every hopeless situation in your life will begin to receive visible hope. The spirit of favour will come upon you and you shall walk in victory and liberty of the spirit everyday. As the Lord  liveth, in the remaining months of this year, sorrow will not visit you or your home. Good morning.

[28]. As the month ends today, I download peace, abundant joy, vision and purpose, success, prosperity, creativity, promotion, divine acceleration, health, wealth, favour and righteousness into your day. I delete frustration, calamity, failure, sickness, affliction, tragedy, sorrow and all evils in your pathway in the mighty name of Jesus. There shall be no sorrow in your life, there shall be no afflictions, and no calamity; only voices of rejoicing and good news shall be heard always in your tabernacle. The glory of God will shine upon you, the anointing for good health, success, progress, prosperity and breakthrough shall rest permanent in your life in Jesus' mighty name!!! Every satanic hardship and frustration expires today from your life in Jesus' name!!! As you enter into February, favour will take over your labour in Jesus' mighty name!!!ONE LOVE!

[29]. Welcome to this brand new day. May the newness of the day bring you joy and happiness. You are blessed by the Lord. Your goals and aspirations will be achieved. The God of glory shall envelope you with His might. You are stepping into God's plan for your life. You will daze all those who looked down on you. God will change your story to glory. The Lord will destroy the power of the grave over you. You will eat the best of this land and your eyes shall see the goodness of the Lord. Peace be unto you in Jesus mighty name. Good morning!

[30]. As you rise from your bed this morning, the land you walk on today will produce blessings, the sky above you will release happiness over your life, the breeze around you will blow peace, every step you take will bring fulfillment. May He who raised heavens without pillars and built the universe without bricks bless, protect and sustain you now and forevermore in Jesus Name. Amen. Good morning.



Lovingly – Messages That Connect, Moments That Last!: Powerful Good Morning Prayer Messages for Friends
Powerful Good Morning Prayer Messages for Friends
These powerful good morning prayer messages for friends are special good morning prayers for my friend to make success in everyday life encounters.
Lovingly – Messages That Connect, Moments That Last!
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