Heart Touching Love Messages from the Bottom of My Heart

These heart touching love messages from the bottom of my heart are I love you from the bottom of my heart messages for the one you love.

Best Heart Touching Love Messages from the Bottom of My Heart

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Best Heart Touching Love Messages From The Bottom Of My Heart

If you are looking for Heart Touching Poetic Love Messages for the one you love, then search no further. We have gotten for you here heart to heart poetic love messages that would make your loved one’s heart glow with pride. If it is your dream to make that special person fall in love with you, these messages of poetic love would do the magic.

[1]. Even if I die, within my departed soul, your love shall forever live on. This love of yours shall be my shelter even in that dark ground of descending feet. I shall rest with thoughts of you in my soul till the glorious day that the trumpet shall sound.

[2]. Pleasure in the web of your love. Her sublime lines had lured me to the edge of your throne. There I am web with engulfed pleasure that the passion of your love sub-plant. Let me be webbed, for the alluring power of your love, I surrender, that this love of yours shall forever be my web of treasure.

[3]. Two strange souls, brought together by one soul – love is the word. To her, we have found ourselves and in her, we shall make our bed that at the root of her birth shall we gloom, that everyone who liveth, shall know that the love of us, is one made from above.

[4]. Like two rivers flow together, so is our love. This was meant to be that we will flow in want of each other. Thank Goodness that we met so we can flow together in love till the ends do us part.

[5]. In my heart, your love takes her reign. The throne is where she sat and ruled with all the passion that it bears. I have no resistance to her rulership. Her wills, will I obey, to love you and live for you just as it commanded. Her wills, will I obey, to love you and live for you just as it commanded.

[6]. I beseech thee take not your love away from me. If I must live, all I need to feel is the breath of your tender love. Your love is like the dawn of a new day. My soul has awakened with a passion that seeks for none else but you.

[7]. Look to the sky and behold your beauty painted in every wave of her movement. Look within your soul and see your love painted like the wave of a rainbow. To the sky and your soul, I have found the beauty of love. Let me live in this beauty of you that I will recount my days in everlasting pleasure.

[8]. Virgin of my love, you that innocency has dotted your days. Make me your lover that within the closet of my soul, your love would reign. If I could find a way to your heart, to you forever, will I give the treasure of my soul.

[9]. Let not your body glimpse through the thoughts of my heart. For a thought of your alluring beauty, drives me insane. I shall only be cured by the sameness of your care. And your tender touches that is all I need to see another day.

[10]. I await you in my arms like a mother would await his new born child. I await you in my arms like a man would await you in my life like someone would await the love of his life. I await you, for the throne of my love, your heart has stolen.

[11]. Punish me with the rhythm of your love. Let your love tempt me to yearn to possess you in totality. Make me wonder with emotion in search of that which is alive. I shall love this, for love without pain is worthless.

[12]. Imagine a day without you. Imagine life without you. A day without you would be boredom and life without you would be useless. To make it worth, a day and a life with you, is forever a glorious day in paradise.

[13]. I sank to my knees when I beheld the beauty hidden in your love. Never had I known what the love in you was that I took for granted. Now that I knew to the shoulder of my elbow will I lift your love to that I would be to you that angel that will love and guide you forever.

[14]. Fresh flame burned my heart with passion. Ember of your touch sends me to the world of alluring pleasure. I shall want this kind of touch that I would forever be in need of you and all that you meant to me – love eternally.

[15]. Pain is the worth we pay for love. If you haven’t been in pain, then you haven’t been loved. Experience the touch of pain, mixed in pleasure of passion. That is the only way you will discover the secret hidden in love. I experienced this and that made me love you like crazy.

[16]. Fear and anxiety, capture the horror of confusion that lines the corridor of confusion that lines the corridor of love. To the heart that loves, confusion seems to find her reign. You seek to go, yet you find yourself yielding. What can you do? Love has gotten a hold on you. And to her throne, forever you will dance as long as the magic prevails.

[17]. Look not to my eyes for the coldness sparks fire. Take me around your arms and make me sleep in the bosom of your love. Let your cares rekindle my desire that I would awoke in ecstasy to yearn for this fierce love of yours, that is undiluted.

[18]. I brim with desire, for the load of love I see in your eyes, would take only the pleasure of you to unload. Take me to your land of passion and erase this wild desire that has consumed my soul with ecstasy.

[19]. Love me in your arms and do to me all that is your strength. I shall take it as it comes. For it is better to live in your undying love, than die in unfilled dreams.

[20]. I lay before you a sacrifice. Take my soul and give me your love. If this is all I will live for, then let your love be my guard. For my soul is prepared to be sacrificed at the throne of your love.

[21]. Look into my eyes and see the tension that you bring. How could you do such a terrible thing? How could you take all that is to our bond as if it is valueless? And to make me fall, you see for another that is in me. This way of you, has killed my soul and only one way, it can come to be – love me back the way it used to be.

[22]. Let my love not come like a thief but let your will give me the grace to long for you. If you shall continually keep me in suspense, then I shall have no option than echo to the whole universe that in between the secrecy of my heart, your love has stolen my soul and you alone, that has the key to free me from this insanity.

[23]. Fierce in anger, I shall take no delay. If my love can’t find a space in your heart, I shall breathe an air of venom that will consume us both with this wild feeling that the beauty of you have inspired.

[24]. Let your breath be like music to my soul. Let your voice be the rhythm that frees my caged memory. Let your love in all, be the torchlight that lights my heart with a brightness to resurrect my weak-soul.

[25]. So adoring is your beauty that a song of praise could be sung to Venus. Your beauty is incomparable. It is a weapon that intoxicates my soul. Even though it does, the grace of her, I found the joy to love you in totality.

[26]. Love that can never be forgotten. Dream that would lay a bed of roses to flourish upon. I searched for love and found yours with all her sincerity. This love of yours I will never forget. I shall cherish it as long as I live. For her, I shall want none. For what others have that can be compared to you. Your love is eternal, a pleasure house for me to live by.

[27]. Who can give to me that which life can’t give? Who can do to me what another can’t do? Your love had given to me all and to you I seek to live for, every day of my life.

[28]. Your absence has become a weapon that denies my soul of your love. The moment you’re gone, my soul grieves in wait for your return with thoughts that longs for you. When you appear, my heart glows and joy becomes my every song. Your love in absence is like a consuming fire, when you appear, I am like a cold breeze that shivers with a calm heart that “still” for you.

[29]. When your silence becomes obvious and your face becomes visible in absence, my soul becomes dead in all her life. Every part of me dies when I can’t find you all to live with. Never should you go for long. For without your presence, I can’t find the breath to live.

[30]. Except the river and seas dry up, then there will be my love for you dry. If the river and sea will never dry up, my love for you will be like the river and sea that never dries.

Heart To Heart Love Messages From The Bottom Of My Heart

Romantic words in poetic poems are one sure way to capture the heart of the one you love. If you can send a Heart To Heart Poetic Love Messages to the one that matters to you, it surely would make them want you the most. If you care this heart touching poetic love messages would make your love count. 

[31]. I thought love was selfish till you turned my world around and showed me the true meaning of love. Now, I see love in another dimension. Your love has changed my world. For you, I will love you for the rest of my life.

[32]. Your love has proved itself in my heart. For many of the untold risks, you withstood just to prove you care. I appreciate all the sacrifice for love you have made. These sacrifices had given me hope to love you till the end of time.

[33]. Love that comes cheap goes cheap. Love that comes hard, stays worthy of a prize. Your love never came cheap, that I will value you for all the worthy tools that were laboured to win your love. The pain for your love, makes me strong to love you without any price tag.

[34]. Let the fullness of love arise and take her throne in my heart. Let it make me a heart of peace for the love I found in you, had erased my doubts and replaced them with surprises. The same that longs for you like never before.

[35]. I was a slack lacking focus and considering the world a pain. But all that is gone right from the day I saw you. Now I have found a cure to my many pains. Just falling in love with you has done it.

[36]. How young had my soul become that her merry making is found in the comfort of your love. Love that flows like a river of joy. Her pureness has I tasted and my soul renewed without any doubt. Now, I have found love, love of you that purifies my soul.

[37]. Spell of love, cast upon a soul that liveth, I became the victim, towards thy infection. Let that be my pain, for what is love without a drip of pain? Your love has become the pain, I need to live the rest of my life.

[38]. Your scold comes with a tender teasing. It strengthens me with a heart that loves you the more. When you scold me, I am made to love you and live to praise you with the love that you have given to me.

[39]. Lots, seeketh your hand but with fierce tender of undying love, will I take your hand. Your heart, will I seek to live in, that I will give to you the love that none had even given to you.

[40]. Let your love not be a burden but a tender pleasure with pain. Let the pain be my treasure house of excitement. That I will live in tears that love you without blemish.

[41]. The love in your eyes, reminds me of so many things. But one thing is sure to love you and nothing else. This I will do as long as I feel the breath of a new day.

[42]. Kind eyes that show mercy of love. I look into those eyes and memories of your kind heartedness glow. Like an angel of peace, you’re one. Like a heart of love, you’re one to be loved and love I shall love you till you want it no more. That is if you will.

[43]. Your love is like an open sky with a treasure of beauty to behold. I behold this beauty of you and my soul glows in praise of you. Love I felt, so natural that I seek to have you the rest of my life.

[44]. Let guilt of the past, find a bed in our heart. What is bye-gone; let it be bye-gone. Let the meekness of love erase every guilt of our past that the heart of a new found love would renew to love with every stain of virginity.

[45]. Bone of my flesh. Love of my life, giver of my soul. I look beyond my thoughts and what I see is love that weakens my spine. How I have fallen that anything said, makes no meaning but that of your love, is what I will ever live for.

[46]. My fate lies in the beauty of your face. Her glamour of smiles had stolen my heart that when I look, fear and excitement unite my soul as I tremble with shiver coldness that secretly longs to have you all my life.

[47]. I wish I could change you into my dream. But since I can’t I know I could only love you the way you’re. You are a direct opposite of my dream but in reality, you’re a different dream that have come true.

[48]. To everyone who knew me, your story has been told. Stories of your tender love and affection. Stories of your undying love, stories of you that none can be compared to. Stories of love that have made you my endless love.

[49]. Little click of a strange passion, and my soul is captured for life. Who could think of this that an harmless affection had become a sweet wine of undiluted love that now wilds my soul with this ecstasy that lives for your love.

[50]. Stronger is the passion that you stir in my heart. This passion that none living could resist. I had fallen for this passion of yours that forever I shall be loved by you like the breath of a new air.

[51]. How could I fall hopelessly in love? What a charm you have that a look into your eyes, my heart had gone without a warning. Your love has I fallen for. Let me live and be loved by you that my end will be a story book filled with memories of your love.

[52]. Love they say is weak. And how could I know of this. For your love, I am weak with the strength that yearns for you. If that is what it meant to be weak; then, I have found the strength of weakness in loving you.

[53]. Your love weakens me with the passion to love you. That weakness is my insider strength. Let this love be that I will be your forever.

[54]. Abide my soul to this love that makes me anew. Let your alluring power; chastise me with the passion that craves for your love. Make me live each day in want of you that I will forever tell a story of your love that is so faithful.

[55]. My heart goes with the route that brings me joy. Your love is that route for her; I have seen a straight route. It is pure and abiding. To her, I found hope and peace of mind. This route of your love, I shall forever follow, that I would be guided by her till eternity.

[56]. Can I be punished by the lure of your love? Is my desire for you causing the pain that had made my soul shiver? If this is all that is to love you, then, I shall live in this pain that your pleasure of love has given.

[57]. Let me be melted by your kind eyes. Let my soul be seduced with your kind tender words. Let my heart quake for your touch that shivered my spine. I long for these things that which makes me anew.

[58]. With tendered words of love, you cast a spell on me. I yield without success to resist those words. But how they had found a path to my soul, that all I want is the fragrance of those word, words of your love that had touch my soul for real.

[59]. Take me with you and love me without blemish. Purify me with your love and let nothing take you away from me. Let your love be my all, that I will live in worship of you and nothing else.

[60]. Take me far away and love me with fierce fire in your eyes. Wild my soul and let the violence from your eyes dares my emotion with passion. Let silent pain of pleasure control my imagination that I will explore in this wild desire of your romantic ecstasy.

Heart Touching Love Words Messages From The Bottom Of My Heart

Romantic messages are always connected poetic love poems that express your heart's feeling to the one you love. This Love Words Of Poetic Messages is one message of love that would keep connecting your heart to the one you love. If you are truly in love, you wouldn’t hesitate to send these words of poetic love messages for her. Your love deserves the best and these messages would go a long way to demonstrate that you really care.

[61]. To the end of the earth I would go for you as long as you love me. Nothing I wouldn’t do as long as your love lives for me. I shall love you with all my heart, only if you love me this way that you have done.

[62]. What is love without enslavement of emotion? When you love, you lose your privacy and words seem to lack explanation. To your love have I lost my privacy and enslavement have I found my being that resistance has become a point of no return. I shall love you the way you’re.

[63]. To be apart, is to kill. For the moment of many nights, I’m apart from you; I felt a part of me die. But to heaven I appreciate that the thought of you comforted me to stay and return to your arms.

[64]. Like melody, you gladden my heart with your love. To you I will sing the song of love. That very song of your cares, that had redefined my trust to love you till the end.

[65]. Your absence is like the presence of your gift. When I think of you, your gift is what I look at and am glad that in your absence, that which you give has made me dream of you. That gift is your love for me.

[66]. Everything I see, remind me of you. You’re everywhere. And like a rainbow, you surround me with every good thing. My days are a blessing all because I feel your love when I see a new day.

[67]. Slowly, I heard my heart whisper that silent thought of your presence. I looked and found your presence among the air. You’re a gift that spread her love among the air. Love you the way you’re.

[68]. I saw your love sail with her presence and my soul elevated. But I became sad when he sailed with her absence. How could love bring joy to your presence but sadness in your absence? Let me love you in both, that my heart will be at peace for missing you.

[69]. I found a strong passion that harbour the heart of love. And I couldn’t resist the feeling of wanting her. This passion I felt is the love of you. You give me love, and my heart longs for the passion in you.

[70]. When I look at you, I see perfection. Your love is my perfection. For in loving you, I count every fault to be perfect that I might love you and take you just the way you’re.

[71]. Let sympathy win my heart that my love for you will flow in a natural realm. You make my heart weak when your love is humble and spice with a meek heart of kindness. Keep your love the way it is. For it I will cherish the rest of my life.

[72]. Let this confession be from the bottom of my heart that I am head-over-heels in love. And to you, had my guard fallen for. Take me as I am and love me as you wish. You have stolen my heart. Keep it safe for your happiness.

[73]. Take me in your arms and love me with all your heart, I have given to you that I might forever experience this bliss that is your love that had captured my heart.

[74]. I heard a shiver down my spine and I couldn’t anticipate what the fault was. Why is it that anytime I hear your voice and feel your appearance, I am too weak for words? Your love made this so. And this love of yours, I will forever hold onto.

[75]. Tender feelings of your love; rule my heart with the passion that yearns for you. I shall want a touch of your love; that love of you that had given to me all that I wanted. Let your love keep me strong, that I will forever long for you.

[76]. On the pillow of your love, I make my bed. There I will sleep and thee I shall wake up. There I shall be loved and feed my soul to satisfaction. Your love shall give me all these. For her, I shall ever live for.

[77]. Your voice is like music to my soul. It sang a love tune anytime it echoed. In the calmness of that voice, I melt. I am guarded by that voice, that voice of yours that had taken my pains away and everything beautiful, it has replaced them with. I love that voice of yours that is mine.

[78]. The image of beauty is what your heirs carry. Like an heir, you’re the heir to the throne of my heart. My life, your love has taken over with the beauty in you. When I see beauty and love, I see you, heir to the throne of my heart that has been and always will be.

[79]. Let this not be an illusion for my soul has been captured by your bliss. Let this be love, for all I feel now, is love so pure and natural. You have given me love, this I will live for the rest of my life.

[80]. If this is an illusion, I begged I shall die of it. If this is love, then I shall live for it. If this is neither love nor illusion, then… this is love, for my heart feels it. Let it be that I shall live for it.

[81]. Perfect figure, created with perfection. How could the world pass without a glimpse of this elegance? You have gotten it, flip it and let it go. I am so glad that it belongs to you.

[82]. Where cometh this fragrance that intoxicated me? There and behold, I heard that scent, and I knew who the soul it possessed. To you have I found that aura – aura of love, that wild my heart to love you without a word.

[83]. Would I call her the birth point of desire or an illusion that confuses and weakens the marrow? She is love that has found expression in my heart and here I am and can’t do anything but yield to this love of hers that wilds my heart to surrender.

[84]. In the glory of the air, I feel the aura of your fragrance, escalating my soul when on praise. It sings a tune of your beauty and claps to the love that you unveil. This aura is like your love, her sweet smell, captures me and makes me smell nothing good but the love that I found in you.

[85]. My incomparable love, it is crystal clear that nothing gives me joy like your love. I drank from the cup of her passion and I was consumed by her affection. For love, I live to feel this love of you that has given me hope.

[86]. Your beauty reveals to me my hidden glory. I stand not ashamed of anything but to love you the way you’re. People may talk, but let them talk, for if they know the love in you, they will find themselves in my shoes, to even love you the more. I love you more than anything else.

[87]. If I could make a wish, I would wish to live in the bosom of your love. There I found comfort and a peace of mind. Your love gives to me all that I ever needed and for the rest of my life, I live in praise of you.

[88]. How could worry be my bedtime song? You make me sing songs of worry all because you deny me the essence that rules your love. Let me learn from you, for the silence you breed has weakened me without return. You’re in my heart and all this has made me yearn for you secretly.

[89]. Risk is a proof of my undying love for you. I shall never be weary but stand on guard to do that which is your wish. For love, I shall do anything for you.

[90]. No one has ever shown me love the way you do. You have shown to me that true love makes the world go round. I’m grateful for all you have done. Now, I know that love exist and you, will I love the same till I breathe my last.

[91]. Strange emotions of your love stealing through my veins. Yearn crib of your passion boiling through my blood. A want of you driving me insane. Nothing I want now, but you around my flesh.

[92]. Out of the blue, you slipped into my heart and captured my soul. Many a silent night, I had gaze into the stars imagining the image of you and what you possess. Now, I know that all I need is this strange love of yours that weakens me to your knees.

[93]. Can I behold your beauty again so my heart could live in want of you? You came like a miracle and took my heart away but when I thought I have you, you fade into my emotion and all I want is to see you again so I could live for you.

[94]. I sensed your beguilement but I couldn’t phantom what direction it came. Hidden for the time it was, but all I could do was smell it sweet savour. You held me spellbound and when you dropped your affection I was all a happier person. For right from the first day, I had knew, that this was all I wanted, your love.

[95]. Within the planet of my heart, you make a new horizon loomed. That horizon is your love that emanates like the dawn of a new day. It shone her glory in me and make me long to be enclosed in your care.

[96]. Each time I look at you, the fire of passion kindled within the very marrow of my bone. This feeling is one that controls my imagination… it makes me go wild and only the sight of your love can take me to rest. Let that love come, let it take control over me, that I might be in your arms like a child that longs for a gentle sleep.

[97]. This is the secret of you that I habour within. That I will uphold your love and make it become the light that shines through my heart. That it will be the only thing I cherish till my days on earth are over.

[98]. Sing me a love song but let it be the one made for me. Let your song send me to my sweetest dream. The dream of your love. That is all I want, that perfect dream of you that makes my heart beat 24/7.

[99]. You're my last love. For the things you have done to me, none else could ever do them. You have shown me the last and never will there be a need to seek another last but your love.

[100]. For the sake of love, I crave for you, that I might be loved by you till the end of time. Take my hand, hold me in embrace and love me with all that you have; that I might live and thank the Good Heaven for sending you my way.



Lovingly – Messages That Connect, Moments That Last!: Heart Touching Love Messages from the Bottom of My Heart
Heart Touching Love Messages from the Bottom of My Heart
These heart touching love messages from the bottom of my heart are I love you from the bottom of my heart messages for the one you love.
Lovingly – Messages That Connect, Moments That Last!
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