Best Motivational Words of Advice on How to Treat Your Man or Woman Right

These messages are treat your man right quotes, quotes on how to treat a woman right, treat and quotes on how to treat a woman you love.

Motivational Words of Advice on How to Treat Your Man or Woman Right

 Here are positive words of motivation and quotes on how to treat your man or woman right. Exclusive Love Text Messages for Couples and Inspirational Messages of Love for Relationship
A Word Of Advice From The Richest Black Woman
I came across this post longtime ago from Kevin Djakpor’s Blog with the caption: “RICHEST BLACK WOMAN, FOLORUNSHO ALAKIJA SAYS, MY MOTHER IN-LAW DIDN’T LIKE ME BUT I TREATED HER LIKE MY HUSBAND WOULD.” 
Before I begin to draw out the life changing lessons from this write up, something strikes me. The last line in the heading: “…But I treated her like my husband would.” Let me ask, how many of our modernized women would want to treat their mother-in-law just the way their husband would do. If you understand the love of a mother to her children, then you will understand this.
Now, let me say this, no matter how your in-laws hated you, the best way to win them over, is to still shower them with love inspite of their presumed hating. Sometimes, their hating, is their presumed way to win your love and also test your real person if actually, you are worthy of their trust and love.
In continuation from the article which began thus: “After almost four decades of silence, Nigerian-born globe’s richest black woman, Mrs Folorunsho Alakija, has revealed the many pains, rejections and frustrations she had to bear with equanimity in the hands of her mother in-law, prior and after their marriage.”
And I say, marriage is all about taking in the pains, the frustration and the many insults that come with it. Do not feel it is all a bed of rose. It has roses and thorns too. Actually, you need both to make it a perfect union. Learn to take it as it comes. Live with it and face it without regret. When you are in it, block your ears and eyes to negative attitudes that will spring up. If you focus and centre it on love, you will always smile no matter the challenges. Remember, the reason for this is that it will never be permanent but temporal. Speaking to a jam-packed church, she said her mother in-law never wanted a Yoruba woman and Muslim as a daughter in-law. This is what she said:
“My husband’s mother was Igbo, while her dad was from South-West here. And because of this, my mother in-law never wanted a Yoruba woman to marry her son. She was not comfortable also with my Muslim background then. She wanted an Igbo daughter in-law, but my husband said it’s me or nothing”.
Looking at it critically, we can see where her Mother-in-law was coming from – the element of tribe, religious background and whom she wanted as a daughter-in-law. I like what she said in the last sentence. “…but my husband said it is me or nothing”. Really sometimes, it is not of essence to be a mummy’s boy when your destiny is at stake. It is good to muster all the courage within you to take a decision. Men be wise!
In continuation of her speech, she said, “It was a tough battle until God finally prevailed… Whenever she wanted something from my husband and was not getting it immediately, she would start attacking me and saying I’m the one stopping her son from doing her biddings”.
When your in-laws seem not to like your face, bear it in mind that all the troubles in the house will be a reference to you as the architect of it all. Yours is to take it as it comes and do the one thing that is needful. Take it all to God in prayer. Prayer is the key. Do not let anyone deceive you, when you pray; there is nothing that will ever be impossible. Prayer moves mountains. It is the secret key to unlock every difficult time and marriage for it is no exception.  
Still speaking further, she said, “It was also an issue when she asked for a baby girl from me and I could not give her. I have four boys in my marriage… At some point, I was encouraged to fight back by my husband, but I refused and kept praying to God to change her”.
Marriages come with its ups and downs. The issue of children is sometimes a big blow that brings down the undying love that exists between couples. Maturity in marriages is tested on this ground. It takes love and understanding for the couples to pass the temptation that comes in here. Pressure will come from external forces and the very ones within. Now is the time for the couple to show love and not to find fault. Togetherness at this point is much more needed. Even when her husband at a point encouraged her to fight back, she refused and kept praying to God to change her. Like I said before, prayer is the key to make a permanent change in any given situation.
In continuation of her speech, she said, “Despite my mother in-laws' opposition towards me, I made sure we took her to US and UK on holidays with us severally and kept showering her with unconditional love. My joy is that we settled before she passed on”.
Nobody wins a fight when both sides are hot. The voice of reason should supersede every other reason. When both sides claim to be right, then there is war all the way. The joy of any woman is to have a peaceful home where unconditional love reigns. And you can bring love down when a gift is involved. Learn to shower him or her that does not like you with a gift. If there is anything that will make a way for you, your gift is a sure bet. 
There is no one that is a heart of stone. The way we communicate even when we know that we are hurt is a plus to making our relationship with our enemy a blessing that is to our advantage. Communication is a key here to winning such heart. Just show that you genuinely care and see everything falling in pleasant places.   
After recounting what she went through with a voice filled with emotions, the article added. “Alakija, who was visibly emotional and was moved to tears, while her intimidating resume was being read, also challenged husbands, to continually support, provide and pamper their wives with unconditional love and affection”.
The heart of a woman is always filled with emotion. It takes tenderness to discover the weak point of every woman. Dear husbands, some words of love for you there like she said; support, provide and pamper your wife with unconditional love and affection. When you love and with love, you can win every heart to yours. Love covers it all. It makes room for forgiveness. It gives to us an edge that foolishness of thoughts would never. No hard man’s thoughts here. Just love because it is a commandment to love. Try it with sincerity of purpose and see your life becomes a rewarding treasure house. 
“No marriage survives without love, respect and support from the couple,” Alakija insists. She also maintains that these “special secrets” were the ingredient that keeps endearing her darling husband to her, thus helping to renew and strengthen their undying love for each other on a daily basis.
Again! Love, respect and support – that is the key factor to build a lasting relationship. Respect comes as a result of love. What you love, you respect and would want to do anything to protect it. Money in this case has nothing to do with love. Before the money drops, love is the key to building a home and also to keep it going from strength to strength. If you can build and share love with your spouse on a daily basis, sincerely even in crisis, you will always find time to laugh it off and continue sharing your happy moments.
In as much as we strive to make the money, we should also strive to let unconditional love reign in our home. Try to put away anything that will make your relationship suffer. Let the love of God be the basis to which you build your home.
She said further, “My husband is my best friend, biggest adviser and supporter. We’ve known each other for 40 years and have been married for 37 years now with four boys”.
The biggest mistake we make is to trust the outsider more than even our spouse. Who tells you that the issues you have cannot be resolved between both of you. What is the need of a third party? If you have a secret, no matter how hurt it sounds, our spouse should be the one to know. This might be hard knowing as it is sometimes said that it is not everything you tell your spouse. Hiding it punishes your thoughts. And revealing it, there should be an understanding between spouses. It shouldn’t be what could be used as a tool to play down on the other. We should be the best keeper of our spouse’s secret when they muster the courage to reveal them. Nobody is a 100% saint when it has to do with our past.
Also she added, “Even though we work in the same office, I always ensure that we kiss twice in a day, morning and night. I still washed his undies until six years ago when he insisted I should stop”.
A little kiss here and there. You know the magic in it. It relaxes the mind and it shows that someone deeply cares about us. And you know what; it sometimes prepares the mind on what to come next. Wink! 
I know it is not all spouses that like to kiss. But you can’t truly love your spouse without sacrificing some moment for it. A kiss tells the other that you love him. It simply connects you together. Do not be old fashioned about it. No sentiment please. Doing the washing! Even if you have the machine to do it, sometimes, help each other with your hands. It shows that you are not ashamed of anything no matter your position and what people might say. True love suffers no shame.
She went further to say, “I also prepare his special vegetable dish, does his manicure and pedicure regularly. I also go to the airport to pick him whenever he is returning from foreign trips.”
Cooking! I love good food even though I am not particular about any. Women, it is said that there are two ways to a man’s heart, good cooking and good sex with the capital letters. If you are so spiritual about it, it has nothing to do with it if you are a couple. Know what is up and do it right. And if you can’t cook, ask for help. And be teachable. For the later, again, teach each other. No one knows it all. Cooking is not only the duty of the wife. Husband on good time, help your wife out. If you are around during the process of it, help out in the kitchen. Those little things make your love go round. 
In conclusion, she said, “It gives me joy whenever his friends praise my vegetable dish based on what my husband tells them during discussion…” she further discloses with a gentle smile on her famous face, urgent women to be loving and submissive to their husbands.”
Appreciation is also the lasting key factor that will make love continuously go around. Men, when your wife gives you a delicious meal; just a little words of appreciation for her good cooking shouldn’t escape your mouth. When you appreciate and also let your friends know, you create a dying pride in the heart of your wife to also do more and to satisfy your ever increasing needs. And for the women, submission is the key to winning your husband’s heart. Submit first even when you know he is wrong. When you first submit with love and later make him understand why it shouldn’t be so, you create in him the worth that he is valued for. Love and Romantic Quotes, True Love Messages to Inspire the One You Love

Best Woman, How Do You Treat Your Man and Man How Do You Treat Your Woman?

Woman, How Do You Treat Your Man And Man How Do You Treat Your Woman?

In trying to draw a balance within the context of this topic, I must say there will arise some controversies between all concerned. As a man, it is natural to be on the men’s side but the women would say this is our time. Be it as it may, I might be tempted to go their way considering the changes in the changing time that we are presently living in. But in order to make this right and strike a balance between both, the Bible shall be our principal guide and principle reference point. The women I know want their right as well as the men do but naturally, who owes the right? Like the Bible in Genesis (2:18) says, “And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”

This singular word in (Genesis 2:18) as quoted, I would say began the origin and the purpose towards the creation of woman. Anything outside this is fallacy. If this rule that is so clearly stated by our Creator is fully imbibed, then the troubles we encountered in our relationship might never arise.  

~If the purpose of a thing is defined, then be sure of it fulfillment.~  

Women like the scripture said in Genesis (2:18), were created to be a help meet for man. This I believe settled the issues concerning the reason for the creation of a woman. Now, we are in what is called modern age or what some would refer to as the computer age. The age where they say is equal right for equal justices but still, can the real purpose be taken away because we have gotten what is now called civilization? They say two captains can never be on a ship. In a situation where two Captains decide to direct a ship, then that ship would be in danger. So, equating the woman to a man was not the original plan, each having their roles to play which is that of complementing one another.  

~Complementing one another is the best way to build a mutual respect which is all we need to make our relationship work.~ 

I am not trying to apportion blame or look for who is the best but somehow, there should be one thing that is paramount like I said – the self and mutual respect of both parties. The problem of self and mutual respect has become an essential issue that has contributed negatively towards the smooth acceleration of family life. Sometimes I asked what happens to the sacred vow that was made on the altar of conjugal bliss the very day we decided to say “I Do”. But it seems with time, those vows are thrown to the wind and all want to be equal Captains in the same ship – the home. It is important to deal with the issue of self and mutual respect because the purpose was for both parties to be a help meet for one another and not the other way round. The day we realize this, that is the day we would begin to enjoy the bliss of joy in our family life. If you want to make your marriage work, never feel that you have it all. Respect is all it takes.

~When you share respect with love and the fear of God, then you have it all. I mean what it takes to make your relationship work.~  

In all the troubles that is associated within a relationship, one thing I have realize is the altar of ego and pride with the vain strength of everyone not wanting to subject their inborn egos to the authority of the scripture which had laid down the roles to be played to make the home a place where the scripture will fulfilled all that was written concerning the purpose to which the Bible in (Genesis 2:24) said, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

The Bible said, and they shall be one flesh. That is two becoming one. Like they say it takes two to tangle. Now if this is so, where does the issue that is destroying the purpose to which God created the institution of marriage arises. Like I said our ego and self pride, plays a major role in this. The problem with these sometimes, we do not even know we have it. Every human I have come to realize has this element of pride in them. It only takes a little upset  for it to play itself out and at the end we only realize with pity how we have allowed our emotion to outgrow our thoughts.

~Ego and self pride have one thing in common and that is to destroy your union and make a caricature of your life.~

In the altar of ego and self pride, this I realized is what makes many women more vulnerable than the men. Sometimes the men are in it too. If you say so, still you are right. Everyone I would say is entitled to their own view and opinion as long as they want to exercise their thought right. Now, let us see why the women are more vulnerable. I guess their nature makes it so. Let us see what the Book of Proverbs (25:24) said, “[It is] better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.”  If I may put it in another way, “It is better to live on the rooftop than marry a nagging woman”. Who is a brawling woman? Many would want to give their definition. But as the Book of Proverbs puts it, I do not think the word “brawling” connotes anything virtuous. It connotes clash, broil, fight, fracas, tussle and all that which would not make her glory to be virtuous. Pride, ego and nagging is a character thing. If we learn to control our characters, then we will control our lives. People get upset for nothing. And those who are not are seen as fools.

~Nothing works in the arena of nagging. It takes a good heart to win any doubt.~

Now let us take a look in detail at what the Book of Proverbs (31:10-31) has to say about a virtuous woman who in all ramifications should be that which should be emulated.

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price [is] far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.” Proverbs (31:10-11)

As simple as this is, ladies, are you ready to pay the price? This is not what I hear but do you understand? A virtuous woman is a product of many factors. Such is a redefined creature that has the fear of God at heart and the one who can go to any length to keep her home. Negative words that can destroy her home should never become a thought in her mind. I know we are human and we have our low days. But this shouldn’t give us the fore right to become abusive with words. Building a home requires the right attitude. Your man might be wrong at times but you have to give him that respect as your head. Learn not to make him look like a fool in the front of others.  

~When you respect your man, you have given him the key to spoil your heart with good tidings.~     

“She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.” Proverbs (31:12-13)

Men hope you understood what this verse says. Make her your role model. Respect her in all she does. Learn to carry her along and never see her as a weaker vessel but an equal partner in the scheme of things. Remember who ever you choose, bad or good, that person is a blessing to your soul. To make the blessing works, all you need is a touch of kindness. Treat her like an egg and stomach her excessiveness. Again, remember that there is no good or bad woman in everything you want in her; you have to create them with your attitude.   

~When you give her the glory she deserves, then she will build your home with the respect your desire.~ 

“She is like the merchants’ ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. Proverbs (31:14-15)

Ladies, study the words as stated in the verse. Do not make your man the labourer of all. Give him support that is built with love. Encourage your man and see everything good in him. Let the strength of the home be under your care. When he provides the money, no matter how little you felt it is, be grateful and make a decent meal out of it. Let the home management be your care. And let him trust you with excess money. When you can distribute the meat and the household have abundances of them daily with the little he has at that moment, blessed are you, for you have not only earned yourself a pass mark, but the right vessel that is trusted.

~The ability to manage the little that is provided to you is a sure ground that when more is in your care, we can all go to sleep.~       

“She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.” Proverbs (31:16-17)

Be a wise woman. If your man is lousy with money, then take it upon yourself to help him plant the field. When I say plant the field, I mean you working hand-in-hand with him to build your future. Building a home is not a one man affair. It requires both parties. This you can help when you have the right attitude and mentorship. Women are good advisers. They seem to see where their spouses may not see. And the way to be a good adviser is to take your man as your best friend. Talk to him like a mother will do to his beloved child. Remember every marriage is for a reason. And the best way to make it work is to give it all that you have.

“She perceiveth that her merchandise [is] good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.” Proverbs (31:18-19)

Having a good ear for the good things around you is what brings joy to the heart. See far beyond your man. And make him feel good with some good spots around town. Places for romantic affairs can spice up your love life. Your merchandise is nothing but your man. Something to be loved, cherished and keeping the candle burning without any reason to make it go off. When you cherish what you have, you will have the same in return. Do you want showers of praises from your man, keep the love burning. And hey, always welcomed him with a smile and not with complaint each time he comes home from work.  

“She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household [are] clothed with scarlet.” Proverbs (31:20-21)

Do not be a stingy wife, be a giver. When you are a giver, your man will respect you. And husband, giving to your wife is the best thing you can do to make her happy. Spoil her with gifts and bless her days with turns of lovely words. When you teach your wife to give that is if she is not a giver, then you will see that she will build your home with all that you need to make it a happy home. Giving is what brings joy. And giving to the needy is what will make you never to lack. When you give, you have sowed a seed that you will reap later on in life. No one forgets a giver.

~When you send out a gift, all you are doing is to attract more gift into your own life.~ 

“She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing [is] silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.” Proverbs (31:22-23)

Woman, when you treat your man right. He will become the envy of others around him. Your good tiding will spread within and outside the city. When you take care of him, he will in return take care of you. Love is a two way thing. Do not look good while your man looks tattered. Whatever you know will make your love cool, act on it. Those little things matter in a relationship. Spice them up. Look good, smell fresh, presentable and adorable. If people want to tell your story, they look at how you treat the one you love.

“She maketh fine linen, and selleth [it;] and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour [are] her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.” Proverbs (31:24-25)

Men what you seek for in others, you rightly have it within you. Why go in search of gold in another man’s backyard while you have a precious diamond in your backyard. The worth of the one you love can never be compared to that which you seek for outside. All you need is to discover the hidden gift within the one you love and see how things go. Empower your woman and she will surprise you with the gift of life. The auras that will make you shout for joy. I mean the secret happiness that adores your curious mind.

~Next time you see a powerful lady that you secretly adore, remember that some else makes that possible.~

“She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue [is] the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.” Proverbs (31:26-27)

A woman of wisdom is a blessing to her man. She is respected in all her dealing. Wisdom is the principal thing. And when you as a lady has it, your man will adore you like the princess you are. Men are not looking for a woman that will become a liability to them but one that will be an asset. You can’t be an asset if all you are good for is discussing words that will never add value to life. Be tender and responsible to the needs of your household. You shouldn’t be a housewife that lacks the duty that will make you a blessing to your man. Idleness should be far from you. Every day, you should think on how to add value to your relationship. Be creative and have a good control of your time. Laziness is not allowed here but productiveness in all you do.

~Let your words radiates kindness and be of a blessing to others.~

“Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband [also,] and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.” Proverbs (31:28-29) 

If your man lacks the virtue to bless you; check within you how your life has been. There is no need trying to look the other way round. For you to be called blessed, you must be a blessing to others. Ladies, control your relationship with the manner and the way you talk. Do not talk as if you have nothing to lose. Look at that verse and what it said, ”Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband [also,] and he praiseth her”. If you desire a good blessing from your home, keep the loves going and burning with good words that flow. And if angered, do not make it hurt.       

“Favour [is] deceitful, and beauty [is] vain: [but] a woman [that] feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.” Proverbs (31:30-31)

When you genuinely have the fear of the Lord within you, you will strive to be good to all time. You will never want to hurt the other person’s feelings. The fear of the Lord is what brings wisdom. It is what will help you guide your home. The home where the Lord reigns is a blessed home forever. The way to make His love reign is to guide our thoughts with positive utterances. When all that comes around you appreciate your kind disposition, your praise among the gates, is what they will sing. Take it or live it, what will make a man spend his last cash on you is the way you give respect to him.

~No matter how little you feel your man is, one thing you need to do to win his heart always, is to respect me.~     

The way the Book of Proverbs defines a virtuous woman makes me green with envy. But how is it that finding a virtuous woman to a larger extent seems to be like a task that makes one wonder. Is it that the womenfolk do not come across these verses or the enemy is at work? Much as I should know, I feel the Household of Faith should be filled with these calibers of women but why are they few and what actually brings about the downwardness in imbibing these virtuous qualities? Should we say the enemy is at work or we ourselves a contributing factor? But be it as it may be in the aforementioned, we as humans, seem to have our hands in it. Nature is nature. It sometimes takes a hard time to draw ourselves out from the things which are our inborn. But one thing I know, no matter how hard we try, it is obvious that we cannot do it on our own. We need His grace to pull through some of our little foxes.

No hard feelings ladies, “Strive to make your man the best, and you will have the best”.   

Now taking a look at the enemy, whom the Bible said, comes to kill and to destroy (John 10:10), we would realize that the power the enemy exercises is through the little member, the tongue out mouth. 

The vulnerability of our tongue in every little moment of strife is what actually contributes to the unreasonable outburst that had weaken the strength that comes with love and sets the heart back to an unpleasant mode that will take time to recover from the hurts that the use of wrong words had done in moment of strife which verbally cracks the wall of the mutual respect that should continually exist between the woman and her man. I will advocate that no matter how hurt we feel at any moment because of our partner’s attitude at that time, we shouldn’t use wrong words. We should learn to control our thoughts.

~If you control the way you talk in time of provocation, then you can control your life at every time not to be in trouble.~     

Still talking about the tongue, let us see what the Book of James (3:5-18) has to say about the tongue and what it could lead us into if not properly in use.

“Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!  And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.” James (3:5-6)

A little member is the tongue, but what it does is mighty. It has the power of life and death. It can make and also it can break. But it all depends on how you make use of it. The right attitude is the best way to control the tongue. No matter how provocative you might be, learn to control your emotion. Stop using words you might not defend. Though talks are cheap, do yourself a favour by standing for the right attitude when it comes to the use of words.    

~Subtle is the tongue but what comes out of it, is what can destroy a mind.~  

“For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can no man tame; [it is] an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” James (3:7-8)  

Who can tame the tongue except him that has control over his or her thoughts? The tongue like I said is very subtle. And the power within it is what can destroy the mind. Men with their knowledge, have the power over every creature but how hard it is to have control over the tongue. It is easy to build a lifetime of good relationships, but it is so very easy to destroy such words with the words our mouth. Sometimes, words are uttered which we later regret, but how does it feel in the heart of the person we said it to? Worst is between the person that you leave with every day.

~When you use wrong words again anyone, all you have done is to devalue your person.~       

“Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.  Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” James (3:9-10)

When the mouth that blesses becomes the mouth that brings our curses, then something terrible is wrong. Let us not be silent on this, the tongue is what is destroying many homes. Know what to say and say it wisely. Do not make yourself feel you have it all and because of that, you can talk to anyone the way you like. Sometimes, you can walk away, but remember, it is not every time that you will have your way with your mouth. Love suffers no hate; for you to make it worth its salt, you have to handle it with words that build it up rather than words that will destroy it.

~Words are easily said, but not easily forgotten.~  

“Doth a fountain be sent forth at the same place sweet [water] and bitter? Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? So [can] no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.” James (3:11-12)

Questions from the Book of James and wisely, we need to imbibe this into our lives. Everyone around us needs our good and adorable way of passing a message through. We should be noted for speaking out bad words. Let people not ascribe some names to us just because we speak in a manner that seems not to see reasons. Always try to be real and not a two face person. Keep your words and let it be straight. Learn not to talk from both sides of the mouth. It will do you good if all around you would always want to come around you rather than staying away from you just because of your wrong attitude on how you treat people.

~The real test of friendship is the way you treat the next person.~

“Who [is] a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.” James (3:13-14)

Choose your words and make it pleasant to the ear that hears them. The bottom line is to converse in a mature way. People will take you seriously when you talk to them with respect. Nobody wants to be treated like a fool. To talk at as if such a person has no value. Everyone puts a value on his/her person. We all carried our ego with pride. And our emotional feelings, we seek to protect with awesome pride. The best way you can make anyone bow and follow your leading is to treat such a person with tender loving cares.

~The right words is what breaks a harden heart and melts every barrier that could hold down the voice of reasoning.~   

“This wisdom descendeth not from above, but [is] earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife [is,] there [is] confusion and every evil work.” James (3:15-16)

What actually brings about envy and strife is our boastful nature. The product of this is nothing but our tongue. Guide your tongue in every step of life you find yourself. Please do yourself this favour, never allow your tongue control your thoughts. And please do not look down on anyone. Whatever position you are, remember you are not the first to get there. Treat everyone around you with respect, that is the only way you will gain their trust. Brave up for the challenges of life. And do not let any slightest provocation make you become uncontrollable with the words that come out of your mouth. Love Touching Messages For Husband And Wife To Strengthen Your Relationship

~Words said out of provocation are never a pleasant word that can build a home.~

“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, [and] easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.” James (3:17-18)

Peace, abundance, peace is all that we need to make our lives a treasure house for others to emulate. Kind words, it is that will bear fruits. It is the wisdom from above that can guide us to achieve this positive attitude. Everyone can be a better person if we realize that we cannot achieve our aim of being a better person except the Lord helps us. Our trust should be on Him and Him alone. When we give Him our heart, He will direct our thoughts to make every wrong right.

~A better is the one who recognized his fault and is willing to make amend.~    

The Book of Proverbs have alighted to us what the tongue is and what it is capable of accomplishing if we fail within our wisdom to tame it down. Now, if I may ask, who is more vulnerable with the use of the tongue, the man or woman? Actually I am not here to judge who among the two is but rather would say; let the thought in you, direct your answers. And if you are guilty of it, this is the time to make amends and bring back the unconditional love that clears the mind of those little hurts which the tongue contributed to and makes the heart feel regret each time it raises its ugly head in your relationship. Mutual respect is the bottom word to make our relationship the best it should be. To get the best, you must give the best. Always make it a point of duty within your heart that you will give the best and be the best no matter the challenges that come your way.

~When you are determine, you will make everything right.~ 

We shouldn’t blame the enemy at all times but we should rather seek to tame our tongue in every moment of anger. I know we all agreed to the fact that the enemy is not happy when two people decides to become one as instructed by the word of God in Genesis (1:28 & 2:24) but we shouldn’t give the enemy the go ahead to destruct our home using our tongue as a major contributory factor.

God’s purpose after creating man in His own image was for man and woman to fulfill His purpose for our creation which is recorded in Genesis (1:27-28), “So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

Every union is a blessing. And it is our sole responsibility to make that union a blessing. All we can do to make it a blessing is to give our all to make it work.

~Any day you are faced with any situation in your relationship, just say to yourself, I will make it work.~

The plan for every relationship was for man to be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth but because man err when it disobeyed by eating the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6), God had to past the judgment that change the cause of His original plan for man (Genesis 3:14-20).

Even at that, the unconditional love He had for man, He still made the coats of skins and clothed them before sending them out of the garden of Eden, (Genesis 3:21-24). Yet still for him to regain the work of His hand, He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for the sake of man so that man could be reconciled to God His Maker. The cruel account that Jesus went through for the sake of man is nothing but love. Matthew 27:24-50. The unconditional love of mankind and the love that has no doubt.

For us to make our relationship work, we need to imbibe in it the kind of love that Christ loves us. Just love, love and love again.

~Love because it is love and have nothing attached to it.~



Lovingly – Messages That Connect, Moments That Last!: Best Motivational Words of Advice on How to Treat Your Man or Woman Right
Best Motivational Words of Advice on How to Treat Your Man or Woman Right
These messages are treat your man right quotes, quotes on how to treat a woman right, treat and quotes on how to treat a woman you love.
Lovingly – Messages That Connect, Moments That Last!
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