Best Relationship Advice and Quotes on How to Make a Man Happy

Men are so simple to please if you actually know the right steps to take. These best relationship advice and quotes on how to make a man happy is something you need as a lady to make your man happy.

Relationship Advice and Quotes on How to Make a Man Happy

Men are so simple to please if you actually know the right steps to take. These best relationship advice and quotes on how to make a man happy is something you need as a lady to make your man happy.

If you love you man as a woman, why not imbibe these simple steps in your relationship and see how lovely your man will feel about you. Take it or leave it, to make your relationship glow, you need to do the right things that makes the one you love happy.

These inspirational relationship quotes and sayings for the one you love are what you need to make everything blissful in your union. Prayer Points for Beginning of a New Month

[1]. Good Food Is A Must

~Any woman, whose hand is blessed with good cooking, has done for herself one good fortune that can win for her the heart of any man she desired.~ 

As unreasonable as this might sound, it is the common truth. Men love food; good food I mean. If you are a woman, learn the art of cooking good meals. Even if your man married or dated you for beauty that on the long run shall fade away but the only way you can hold on to him apart from your good character is when you are able to satisfy his stomach with your aroma of nice and tasteful meals.

Cooking is a gift but that same gift can be learned. Do not overlook this for anything if you want to hold your home together or else you make your man a regular visitor to eatery joints and who knows if he falls to the temptation that could come around from there. Strictly for the ladies, do yourself a favour to learn how to cook if you really don’t know how to do it. It is not too late to learn that is you truly love your home. Hilarious Nigerian Pidgin Proverbs for Family and Friends

[2]. Learn The Art Of Love Making

~When you are down with him to say I Do, ladies, know for sure that good love making to him is like a palatable meal, if you got it right, then you have gotten him right, anytime, any day.~ 

Ladies, any married man who says he does not love good love making is not telling you the simple truth. Men are sometimes naughty by their attitude when it has to do with their romantic love life. It is not all men that have the boldness to express their desire for good love making. Some hide this from their woman so as not to be seen as been promiscuous. Some for health related issues which they might be affair to share keeps them on a low life when the issue of good love making is at hand.

Ladies, when you find your man at this low level where your satisfaction from him, calls for questioning, this is not the time to go on top of your voice but the right time to relate so well with his emotion.

Men on the other hand if your woman is not good at it, you have the go ahead to teach her rather than condemn her for nothing. Remember nobody knows it all; we are all learners when it comes to the issues of life.

[3]. Do Not Monitor His Ways

~Every man wants and desires a peace of mind. If you want you love to grow; then learn to give him the desired peace of mind. If you make the home a place for him to dwell, then he will make your life a pleasure to treasure.~

Do you want an all-round peace of mind in your relationship, then give back love in return. When I say give back love in return; I mean make your man feel the desire to return home into your arms every day. Do not make your home a wrestle contest field with the way you talk. Provocative words that relates negative out pour of wrong thoughts shouldn’t be found around your home.

When you have an attitude for the use of right words in your relationship, what you are doing is to invite the desired peace which is what makes any relationship grow. Do not make your home feels like a place of unnecessary argument where everyone wants to show who the superior is. Learn the virtue of obedience and relates well through communication.

If all you do is to monitor your partner with a suspicious mind, then all you are inviting is lack of peace in your home. Learn to trust and relate with good manner even if you have some level of doubt. Sometimes, what you are killing yourself over might be a big lie at the long run.

[4]. Do Not Mind His Communication Gadgets

~The worse you can do is to monitor your man. Learn to give him the benefit of doubt. It is when you are trusting that he will be trusting too. But if you pester him like a monitoring machine, then you are indirectly making him feel you don’t trust him.~

Loving someone does not mean you should make yourself look like a pest around him. Asking unnecessary questions that may provoke suspicious thoughts are not the best way to handle a man. If you have your doubts, the best way to confront him is to do it with love and not to monitor his gadgets like he committed a crime. I know men are smart about certain things especially when it has to do with secret relationship with female admirers.

As a woman, you know the type of a person you are down with. Also you should know that it takes gradual process to disarm a man who lives a promiscuous life. It is with love and not through unnecessary monitoring of his communication devices. When you are kind with words, you can commit him to change. And when you do that, it is a plus to you and the life of the one you love. Bank Complaint Compensation: Is it Necessary to take Legal Actions against Banks

[5]. Make Him A Freeman Around His Friends

~A man cherished his freedom of movement like he cherished every moment he is with the one he loved. If you seem to border him with his movement, then what you are trying to do, is limit the love he builds around you.~   

Everyone loves their freedom. Normally, no one loves to be monitored. We all want to be free to express our thoughts and do the things that we feel can make our life better. When you love someone, give such a person his freedom at any time it seems desired. Monitoring anyone freedom it not the right way to show that you care. It is good to give your man the avenue to express thoughts and find time to be around his circle of friends.

Remember before he met you, he has those whom he was around with. Those he shared some of his free times with especially his friends. Ladies, do not make yourself be seen as the one who took him away from his friends.

If you don’t trust his friends, make him see reasons. And when communicating this, do it with love and not to force him around it. Remember if you keep him away from what makes him happy, all you have done is to limit the love he will extend to you. Sometimes, it is his circle of friends if you go along with them well that will help give the right recommendation that will help spice your relationship.



Lovingly – Messages That Connect, Moments That Last!: Best Relationship Advice and Quotes on How to Make a Man Happy
Best Relationship Advice and Quotes on How to Make a Man Happy
Men are so simple to please if you actually know the right steps to take. These best relationship advice and quotes on how to make a man happy is something you need as a lady to make your man happy.
Lovingly – Messages That Connect, Moments That Last!
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